Friday 21 June 2013

VW Camper off road

The camper is now off road after failing its MOT....thought I'd get the last two weeks before we set off but couldn't get it sorted in time. She's parked up at Kath's mother's house and I may decide to sell when we fly back in October.

The house is looking very sparse now, with all the furniture gone and our bed  down at my daughter's in London...we're sleeping on the floor...on a mattress! Cut the couch in half to get it to the tip last week so all we've got is a borrowed bean bag and fisherman's chair.

Party at the weekend looks a bit iffy with the worst weather forecast that we could have asked for.
Desperate to go now....roll on 3rd of July!!

Just finished a commissioned painting that I picked up from the prom art fair in Morecambe. She was very happy with the painting which was a gift for her sister who had just adopted her son after 4 years of fostering...very nice people...hope she likes it!

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