Monday 25 November 2013

18th November to 24th

Shattered on the Monday, needed a snooze before going to work, had been a busy weekend (and not as young as we were!). Tuesday Dave off to work with tom whilst I went to French lesson. Really nice couple of French women running it at local creperie, with 4 of us English speakers. Polly, a seamstress, really good, given me an aim for the end of the season! Promptly went to library band picked up some learning literature. Realise need to get back to learning as well as speaking I that all opportunities.

Wednesday and Thursday, loads of snow. Realising how it does affect the ease of getting around. Went to work OK on the wed night on the bike but then had to get bus to les bossons on the Thursday to go for dinner at Megan's. Made for a dash back for the last train, not easy in 10inches of snow. We have now got our ski passes for the season, feel like a local. Means all public transport is free, handy.

Big walk with Blaze on the Friday from les tines back to chamonix. Unbelievably pretty and Blaze as adorable as ever. Knows that when he does the ball trick he has to flick it higher when in deeper snow. So clever!

Shopping day on Saturday, again much more difficult now it has snowed. A tad treacherous on the bike, but managed. There was a plan to go skiing again to vernier with Iran and dawn, but dawn a bit under the weather so just went for a lovely walk with Blaze, up behind Chamonix. Stunning and really quite warm in the sun, snow starting to thaw, good forecast for the week ahead, so might get some more cycling in. Off to chalet in taconnaz on Wednesday, to Hobbes (cat) sit. Dave just has another day with Tom to work, he has really enjoyed it and maybe will mean the odd bit of work over the winter, so all good.

View from le balcony never ceases to impress me

How do I resist these I never know

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