Monday 13 January 2014

December 30th to 9th January.

Another busy period. Monday saw us skiing at le tour but with pretty bad hangovers the bus journey there and the queues made it a bit of a tough day ( bless I can imagine some at home saying, sarcastically). The slopes were nice and gentle though. Brevent again on the Tuesday, gentle not!!! And I lost my new orange beanie, well not lost as I know where it is, perched on a small bush down the mountain side, which luckily due to the orange netting, I managed to not follow it! Will have to get it in the spring.

New years eve night, 2 pints at happy hour, I cooked dinner, game of scrabble and a cup of tea at midnight!!! Shattered and couldn't face the packed square. Watched fireworks from le balcon.

Worked new years day at both sno station and crystal and the next day at sno station. Good to give legs a break from skiing. Swam on Thursday evening just to get a stretch out. Skied at brevent on Friday and have gone back to the new skies I bought and they are so much better. Was worried I was just going backwards and Dave just leaving me behind with the skiing. Snowed all day Saturday and so Sunday was amazing. Went to le tour with dawn and Ian and the conditions were superb. Stopped on way back door a little bubbly at la caban in la praz which was lovely.

Busy day Monday saw me skiing with Sophie up in la tour, Dave in brevernt. Then I went for a lunchtime swim then work and French with Julia. Must be careful not to exhaust myself again. We slept in Tuesday so just a few hours on brevent in pm. Unseasonably warm at the moment which is making things a little sticky underfoot like spring skiing. A few hours again on wed, Dave getting habit of a cold and then both working on the Thursday.

Highlight of the week Dave's purchase of a ski jacket from the catholic shop. It looked OK in the shop but once home the blouson slightly shiny style with red and blue flashes of colour perhaps not quite what he wanted, if I cash manage to get a photo I shall. May be difficult, the don Johnson of the slopes may not lost me. He has decided to wear it under his existing jacket for the time being!!!

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