Saturday 22 March 2014

25th Feb to 8th march.

Days wizzing by!!!! Can't quite remember all that we have been up but lots of lovely snow has fallen so we have done the best skiing. Highlights have been skiing some lovely powder on the 28th in les houches with tom and Sophie, going through the trees for the first time. Amazing day skiing off the top lift of the grand Monte, powder off piste, with Megan, sophie and friends on the 2nd march. Would have a great video and pics for that but they didn't quite turn out as planned but Megan's deep breathing in the background makes me laugh more than the good video would have done! Then to finish off a great weeks skiing off to courmayeur on the 6th with Ian and dawn, gorgeous snow, deep and fluffy and blue blue skies too!

Sadly news of two deaths in the valley, good reminder of how seriously one has to treat these mountains.

Sorting out accommodation for my mum and myself in June. Found an apartment through the girls at the office, nice and central and at 29 square metres almost twice the size of our little studio, so palatial!!!

Dave painting in readiness for some paintings for arterial and a little commission for trace. I am upping my hours at sno station whilst still looking after little Ollie until the 11th march once a week. Couldn't resist a little blue pair of ski slippers for him!!

Trace et al due on 12th, promises to be fun 4 days with stunning weather.

Looking into getting Dave back in a van in mid April with all the gear, much easier than flying with the bike boxes. So could be here 2 months without him, but we both have lots to fill that time with. Think he is really looking forward to his Tuesday nights out.

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