Monday 2 May 2016

30th April Palermo to isola della Maria

After 6hours sleep for me, 1 for Dave (think he will use sleep mat next time) we arrived at Palermo. Eventually found a tourist information, luckily we had 2 hours to do that before it opened, as that is how long it took. The signage in Italy is very odd at times. Palermo seems like an OK kind of place for a big city,and getting out of it relatively easy. Have managed to buy a map of everywhere we need to go in Italy, in fact it would have done for La corse too! Italy suddenly looks very big though! Cycled out along the coast,west. Big impressive rock formations. Unfortunately no photos as we were just a bit phased after night on the ferry. Got to isola OK, crashed on beach to sleep off the ferry journey. Chilled evening,cup of tea and scrabble.

May 1st isola Della Maria to Castellammara de golfo

Started raining at 3 am heavy till 9. Managed to breakfast in between rain and then started again as we headed off. So we had to have a coffee in local town, super friendly folk in both the cafe and the little shop which I had been to the day before. Then the owner and I had been teaching each other our respective language,concerning eggs anyway. Lessons continued today. Then we headed off and the skies cleared. Ended up a nice undulating cycle. Busy initially but then once past airport quietened right down to what one expects in Italy on a Sunday. Found a campsite in Castellammare that has continued in the very friendly manner. The boss even said my brother could ring the landline here for a chat, unfortunately phone malfunction in Inglaterre so plan didn't work. 

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