Tuesday 13 August 2013

8th August Castelnaudary to trebes via Carcassone 68km
Up early, rain clearing, bit cool though, three layers on!!! Forecast to brighten. Off we set on the canal. At times really hard going with quite deep pot holes and muddy with the rain of the past two days. really should be mountain bikes on it. Coffee stop at lovely L'ecluse restaurant/pottery shop. Handmade by the lady of the couple. really sweet place, so made a little purchase as impressed with the whole set up. Then back on the road to Carcassone. 

Have to be careful here, because it is amazing structure of mediaeval brilliance. Free in which am not sure it would be in England, but then it is a bit of a mediaeval Trafford centre with every single building being a shop, restaurant, cafe or hotel. And absolutely mobbed with people. So a bit difficult

 to really take it in. Also, after an exemplary record, both the office de tourism's we went into had the most off-hand staff we have come  across!!! Goes in hand with excessive tourism I suppose.

Dave decided then best plan to paint it from outside, which has me sitting presently on the banks of the river, typing. Talk soon when day completed....

Reached Trebes with yet another detourish route!!!!!! 18km instead of 12km (my fault oops) Ate and went to bed really. Shattered.

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