Wednesday 28 August 2013

August 27th  Day 3 St Saturnin

Well the artist has spoken (for Helen Mainwaring)

Heaven!!!!!! We have done nothing for 3 days except cycled for a shop in Apt on Sunday, walked up to old church on the hill on Monday and pottered to the Tuesday market today. Bliss. Eaten loads and read two books, one being Behind the Scenes at the Museum by Kate Atkinson, a must for any book clubs out there. Dave has done a couple of paintings but yesterday he literally spent all day completing (with a little bit of help from me) the jigsaw he started on Sunday night. Little did i know he could get so obsessed with a jigsaw, it was like being with my brother :-)

St Saturnin les Apt is lovely little ville, nestling in the Vauclause Plateau. Nearby is Rousillon which we shall cycle to tomorrow. All just rather lovely.........

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