Monday 2 December 2013

25th November to 1st December
Kitchen size of ournstudio

View from back door

View from front verandha

Beautiful sun set

Dave toasting Dave farren with a nice cup of tea

Sofas the size of our studio ha ha

Hobbsy warming to me!!!

Dave's new oakleys 

Quiet day Monday, Dave worked and I got the studio in order (doesn't take long!!!) French lesson Tuesday morning, dawn came along this week so that will mean lots of practice together when she returns from the UK. Dinner at there's in the evening, last time to see blazey boy before they head off to UK. Packed gear on Wednesday and then headed to Lisa and miles's to cat sit Hobbs. Chalet in a beautiful spot with great views of the snowy landscape, especially as the sun sets on the aguille due midi. Shay and onya from next door  popped round on the Thursday night for a couple of Guinness's and glasses of wine. Nice weekend though do appreciate where we are in relationship to supermarkets/skiing areas and buses as its a cold 6km cycle in for these !! Temperatures have been as low as -12 this week. Sunday saw us off to the grand montets ski field in argent here, beautiful day and some nice skiing, though Dave having to master his new long ski is, but getting their. I found some bargain Oakley sunglasses on cham social for him too in the week, so at last has spent the birthday money given to him by my brother John, wendy his wife and my mum. I half hoped he wouldn't like them as I would then have kept them!!

It looks like we haven't done much this week but Dave has worked most of it, and done the painting and I have been cycling up and down the valley, shopping etc, working and lining up some adhoc cleaning work for next week too with Susie who I cleaned for in the first couple of weeks here, so that should take me on to starting with sno station in the season proper. Got a video evening lined up too with Sophie and Megan, the first hunger games in prep for watching the second one at the pics when they show it in English and joining their book club too. Going to be a busy winter very soon!!!!

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