Thursday 12 December 2013

2nd December to 12th December

Monday saw us returning to the studio. A bit sombre as some sad news from home, at times like that it would be nice to have a transporter system so you could nip and give someone a big hug. Settled back briefly as we then got a call off dawn asking for a blaze sit for 10 days. So Tuesday saw us packing up again into the middle of town to look after the big fluffy boy. Busy the rest of the week with dog walking, preparing his food and doing a bit of cleaning in the apartment for dawn and also 4 hours cleaning for Susie on top op evening work. Had cleaning training with sno station on the friday as well which gave us a good idea of what to expect from the seasonal work. Decided to drop those hours to 12 a week to ensure skiing time adequate. Just me and a group of young Aussies. Never mind it being little England here, its little Sydney!!!

Watched our first ever 3 d film, Dave had to wear glasses on top of glasses, not a great look!!!

Film night Friday at Sophie's, hunger games first one in readiness for when the second one is out in original form here. Then skiing all weekend at me grand montet. Not too bad conditions though slid down on back twice on home run on sat but better on Sunday. Able to Skype home a few times and with free calls to landlines in UK good to be able to chat to those at home.

Le grand montet open from now on so managed to ski twice this week. On the tuesday saw dan snow filming on the slopes, may end up on the one show in the background,  Iwas a little uncool!!!! The christmas lights went on in town too!! So pretty.Started work with sno station and have about six hours this week. Seems OK. Have found a lady from Keswick to meet up with to improve our French, Julia. Going to try at least twice a week over a coffee.

Dave continues to do his painting, using the studio as a studio. Snow scenes looking nice.

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