Friday 25 March 2016

March 24th 2016

A very quiet nights sleep in the countryside saw us awakened to a lovely breakfast and day, care of Bernard. With the view complete with small red deer we set off on the road again. A delightful stop in Marcillac vallon which saw us stop for deux noussetes at a cafe that wasn't a cafe at all but an epicerie selling noussetes, the nut kind, but which ended up with us having two coffees and mama's cake for nothing with a purchase of said noussetes and all round amusement. We then cycled through a beautiful valley with a steady rise up to Rodez.

Now if this blog does anything it will prevent any cyclist ever setting a wheel inside this city! A cyclists nightmare! Everyone seemed intent on cutting us up. Being a part of the Tour de France I feel I need to check whether this is where historically urine has been thrown at participants. I feel that it could not have been due to discord re potential drug doping but just a general dislike of cyclists in general. Truly a city lacking in any normal bonne de vivre with regard those in two wheels. 

After a sharp exit we astonishingly quickly got back into calm countryside and made our way steadily up hill to pont de salars. A nice village with the lovely Hotel de voyageurs, where we are to spend the night.

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