Saturday 26 March 2016

March 25th - Good Friday.
Pont de salars to Millau

Good night's sleep after a couple of beers in the delightful and kitsch hotel des voyageurs. Woke to the cold cloudy day forecast. We have booked a hotel in Millau but on further examination of maps/terrain routes on the tablet Google maps I have become increasingly anxious that we are heading into a zone that the only way out of is at some point a 1:10 cycle for at least 10 km. I know my with only a little persuasion required we have decided to utilise a train from Millau, the last opportunity to do so. 

After decision made off we set. 3km cycle up out off pont de salars and into increasingly inclement weather, past the lac de pateloup, which on a sunny day would be stunning. Sleet falling after 15 km we stopped for coffee at Sales Curran. Onward, feeling pretty cold we cycled steadily upwards, which did warm us up, into the cloud line then a steep descent, which cooled us back down, to St Beauzely where Dave took a photo of the boars head, probably to use as a photo description of me. Another 3km uphill climb then along to the road down into Millau. Not a pleasant descent but better than the road to Rodez.

Tickets out of here!!!

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