Resume of 1st month
1 The people, so friendly and forgiving of my French, except for the odd couple of patronising campsite owners (men with keys hanging off their jeans so easy to spot). Special thoughts to family who gave us shelter and women who stopped their cars as i tippled off such a long time ago
2 The drivers - stop to let you cross the road, give really wide birth to you and generally the cyclist is not seen as second class citizen
3 Ok now the wine (Dave wanted that top) so cheap though god only knows what its doing to our insides
4 Campsites by and large (odd anty and sand fly ones aside) great set up, favourite one the cheapest, with the unfeasibly friendly chap and his off sider the maintenance lady, and the one where we bought 4 beers and got one free!!!
5 La Rochelle was worried it would be a let down after Dave was so excited about following in Ronnie's footsteps, but really nice place.
6 the voires verts. how mmany other countries could you pretty much cycle 1200km thus farmainly on cycle tracks. very impressive
Have to stop there as could just go on forever really lovely country.
1 BUDGET!!!!! wish we could relax and enjoy it all a bit more but difficult on the budget. Learnt that can't just go out and have 3 pints like in the White Cross. This next month will be different from that perspective and feel that will make the difference. Cheaper inland too so that will help.
2 have to put this, nearly getting arrested but feel it was quite funny, you can take the girl out of Morecambe........
What does August hold. This promises to be sooooo exciting, Farrens on Sunday and then the following weekend heading to Montpellier to meet Natalie and Harry to celebrate the following Saturday Dave's 50th in St Marie de la Mer and then if that isn't enough off to provence to live like locals in a proper house and everything for a week. Promises to be a great month, keep following!!!!!!