Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Day 24 Metveliet to Carcans plage 40km

Funny day today, weather dodgy and that matched the mood of the day. Another storm in the night, not as intense but lasted 2 hours so not very rested in the morning. initially bright and then clouded over. We set of to our original destination hourtin Plage  but on arrival, small place, no cash point (no money at this point) only a 5 star campsite to stay at, cloudy and threatening rain. looked for potential to wild camp, found a site that had wooden sculptures and a bit of a hippy/itinerant crowd. Felt like the slaughtered lamb as we entered. Obviously not cool enough to stay there, and felt a wee bit dodgy really for two middle ageds from Morecambe so off we went back on the road.

As it was not going to be a beach day headed inland slightly with potential to stay by a lake, arrived at ready made resort, hideous music blaring, no redeeming features whatsoever (bank though so funds replenished) so before our moods worsened further headed off again just 4km to the coast to Carcans plage, very surfy little place but the campsite (1 star!!!) costs 26 euro. These pricings are a bit odd. only one in town and bored with searching so settled up for the night. Drew the line at putting on a blue arm band. Actually a really nice site, we are used to being the only non French speaking couple on a site, but i think we are the only non German speaking. Big site so was worried about noise but on the strike of 11.00pm silence, love that german efficiency :) So well rested for Day 25

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