Tuesday 13 August 2013

8th August Castelnaudary to trebes via Carcassone 68km
Up early, rain clearing, bit cool though, three layers on!!! Forecast to brighten. Off we set on the canal. At times really hard going with quite deep pot holes and muddy with the rain of the past two days. really should be mountain bikes on it. Coffee stop at lovely L'ecluse restaurant/pottery shop. Handmade by the lady of the couple. really sweet place, so made a little purchase as impressed with the whole set up. Then back on the road to Carcassone. 

Have to be careful here, because it is amazing structure of mediaeval brilliance. Free in which am not sure it would be in England, but then it is a bit of a mediaeval Trafford centre with every single building being a shop, restaurant, cafe or hotel. And absolutely mobbed with people. So a bit difficult

 to really take it in. Also, after an exemplary record, both the office de tourism's we went into had the most off-hand staff we have come  across!!! Goes in hand with excessive tourism I suppose.

Dave decided then best plan to paint it from outside, which has me sitting presently on the banks of the river, typing. Talk soon when day completed....

Reached Trebes with yet another detourish route!!!!!! 18km instead of 12km (my fault oops) Ate and went to bed really. Shattered.

Friday 9 August 2013

7th August Toulouse to Castelnaudary 71km (some 9km of that getting out of Toulouse)

Found the canal midi eventually in Toulouse then headed off. Nice cycling along. Shortly out of Toulouse popped into lovely barge which is a Salon du The. Co-operatively run, with volunteers doing a week at a time. lovely couple chatted to us, guiding my French and chatting in English too, so dave didn't feel left out. Had a real feel of the Gregson in Lancaster. Unfortunately they didn't do coffee so popped onto main road to cafe and saw signs for a Bricolage. The cooker by this time was a bit of a touchy subject as dave hadn't enjoyed the previous days experience of traipsing round shops in vain. however careful negotiation (lunch to fill the 45mins to opening time) allowed us to at last purchase the ultimate transportable on a bike cooker. With a bag  and everything!!!!! Seeing as this is our kitchen a needed purchase.

A more relaxed couple then continued along the Canal. All paved until Labastide D'Anjou and then it becomes more dirt track, so be warned future canal Midi cyclists, it is not voires verts all the way. Potentially this to the coast :/ Still managed to get to our destination, just in time. booked into Municipal campsite 9.50 euro (my kind of price). She warned us of impending rain so toute suite we got tent up, super fast cup of tea and mackerel pasta as we could see rain clouds heading our way. Kindly shelter was offered too, in the information room.

L'orage approached and actually not too strong but the wind was mental!!! We watched nervously as all the ropes were stretched and the side battered, but our petit tent withstood the attack. The wind only lasted about 15mins, then calm, really odd. Then with rain set in for evening, off to bed.

Need to apologise to Vicky and Dave, looking at blog its as if we just stayed in gite with the girls, no photos of them!!!! Send some to us guys and we will add to blog!!!

Gregson on the water

catalogue girl modelling latest in camping cuisine musts!!!

lessons in meteorology

Tuesday 6 August 2013

6th August Lauzerte to Toulouse 99km!!!!!!!

Well after reasonable nights sleep despite the worry of the flies set off, not planning such a mammoth day. Camping cooker malfunction so trying to source new one, so waited for Intermarche to open, 9.00 opening so bit frustrating as we wanted to get off. No joy in there but breakfast sourced. 24km over country roads, with good 2.5km of climb.

Got to Moussic ok but three further supermarkets hadn't got what we needed. Back onto canal Geronne after quick look round the lovely abbey there. Then powered down till we saw a Mr bricolage and thought yes!! they will have what we need! Had to wait while it opened at 2pm (French do love their lunch breaks, protected time. No joy for what we need. This is the decent food access cannot face another tin of tuna!

No alternative but head off back down the canal, and such easy cycling suddenly dawned on us that Toulouse doable and as weather forecast definitely on the wane for the next two days, seemed a good idea as Auberge may be needed.

Into Toulouse at 19.00. Wasn't quite as pretty as we expected but is a seriously cool uni city. Office de Tourisme closed but free WIFI in streets located us a lovely Auberge de Compostella. Dorm rooms available only but they are fine, big spaghetti dinner and a couple of halves to chill with. Hope to find the elusive cooker part tomorrow. Big storm tonight so forecast does look as though it will be as said. Lots of cycling over next couple of days then, hopefully will be nice be Carcasson.

5th August Montague to Lauzerte 17km

Decision made to camp at lauzerte cycle through and met D and V in the historic centre. Very undulating cycle with steep bit at end, stunning historic village with amazing panoramas. Dave and Vicky embarrassed themselves on way as they stalked someone they thought was me, taking photos of her and as they passed Dave said, n a corny French accent, "Bonjour madame" to be greeted by shocked stranger!!! Apologies to said cyclist if she ever stumbles onto this blog!

Due to distance back to D and V's we are going to get lift back there and taxi later to campsite. Campsite OK but will only be for sleep.

Great afternoon and evening, the boys went painting while we girls choreographed a syncronised swim performance.

lovely BBQ and too much to drink, except for poor Dave Farren as the taxi firm nearly had a fit when we tried to book taxi for 11pm so he had to drive us back. But seeing as the 5 litre drum of red wine got seriously depleted last night while star gazing his liver could do with the rest ha ha. back to campsite and found we had camped on a swarm of tiny flies, millions of them but managed to get in with just a small percentage in with us which we were able to swat. No toilet trips could be had in the night :/

4th August Somewhere up a hill to Dave and Vickys near Lauzerte 52km (some in pitch darkness :/)

Longer cycle than anticipated to Montague de quercy but past some absolutely stunning sunflower fields and the landscape starting to remind us of Italy. Much more undulating with little villages on top of mountains, pink colour to stone and contrasting beautifully with the brown ploughed fields, the green trees and the gorgeous yellow of the sunflowers. Lunch in shade of church accompanied by aggrieved barking of local dogs.

Arrived at campsite at Montague, really nice with a stunning emerald lake in the middle of it. Quick dip and sort through then off for 5km to dave and vickys YAY!!!!! Gorgeous gite with amazing pool, and we quickly re-established where we left off in England. Not sure what they thought of the 5 litre  cask of wine, but dave did partake later and found little difference to the bottles they had, think we have planted a seed there. Lovely time, BBQ later and all too soon time to go before the sun set too much. DOH!!!!! too late so slightly nervous cycle back, I had lights Dave wore high viz jacket so got there safely, lovely day :)

a nice cup of tea at last!!!

Feeding us up :)