Friday 25 March 2016

March 24th 2016

A very quiet nights sleep in the countryside saw us awakened to a lovely breakfast and day, care of Bernard. With the view complete with small red deer we set off on the road again. A delightful stop in Marcillac vallon which saw us stop for deux noussetes at a cafe that wasn't a cafe at all but an epicerie selling noussetes, the nut kind, but which ended up with us having two coffees and mama's cake for nothing with a purchase of said noussetes and all round amusement. We then cycled through a beautiful valley with a steady rise up to Rodez.

Now if this blog does anything it will prevent any cyclist ever setting a wheel inside this city! A cyclists nightmare! Everyone seemed intent on cutting us up. Being a part of the Tour de France I feel I need to check whether this is where historically urine has been thrown at participants. I feel that it could not have been due to discord re potential drug doping but just a general dislike of cyclists in general. Truly a city lacking in any normal bonne de vivre with regard those in two wheels. 

After a sharp exit we astonishingly quickly got back into calm countryside and made our way steadily up hill to pont de salars. A nice village with the lovely Hotel de voyageurs, where we are to spend the night.

March 23rd 2016

Great nights sleep in a great air b and b. Lovely Anne saw us off down a horrid red route just for a few km, the only negative of the day. Shaking as we went through a tunnel on said road. Needed the coffee at the bottom! There followed a lovely (though hilly again at times) cycle of about 50km again through lovely countryside, dotted with beautiful villages and very posh chickens fit for a bespoke chicken coop in Chervais cubas. We then arrived at saint Christophe-vallon. Had a coffee in the cactus cafe while we waited to go to our next air b and b with Bernard. Unfortunately up another big hill. The welcome was worth it! A stunning house with an amazing view and a gorgeous soft mountain dog. After a chat with Bernards son, we managed to work out a route back to the cactus cafe for a couple of beers to finish off a lovely day.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

March 20th 2016
Set off from Vicky and Dave's on a cool and slightly drizzly day but that was good really as this is a hillier part of the country than we started off with last time and heat, hills and less strong legs just don't work. Nice cycle of about 50 km, including a man in a yellow van mistaking us for members of the sky team and allez'ing us along the route (Bob from the Kitshe Kafe). We arrived in Brive just as it started to rain properly, so good timing. We were pretty shattered, must have been all the coffees and birthday cake at Chervais cubas, don't think it will have been the wine and beers! Stayed in le France hotel, good except for the rolled pillows which after a fairly uncomfy night I realised we could have changed for Anglicised ones, so tired the night before I didn't notice.

March 21st 2016

Spring has sprung. Woke after 12hour sleep to a beautiful day. Headed out of Brive up a hill, for 15kms!!!! Went off the heat pretty quickly. Lovely red stone buildings in this area. Lunch stop at Meyssac then a flatter ride to Puyburn for an air b and b stopover. On a farm with a few dogs whose bark was definitely bravado. A basic place but clean and very comfy single beds. Popped back into the village for a coffee but it was a Monday! Forgot about the closed activity of Mondays in France, so no coffee or anything, another early night.

March 22nd 2016

Another beautiful day. Fantastic nights sleep of another 11 hours so well rested for a few more hills. First a coffee in Bretenoux with its amazing medieval square (see photos). Then flat along side the Dordogne for a while then the hills started. Quite a climb up past Château del Castenau (photo) then it turned into a plain, which was great. Lunch at Lavergne then onwards in an undulating fashion to Figeac. Coffee and larder stop then a cycle up another hill to air b and b. Then we were lost!!!! Eventually I managed to find number to ring Anne of the air b and b and luckily we were within 400metres and she came and rescued us. Yay. Gorgeous house, use of kitchen etc, really lovely. Anne appears very artistic, shall investigate in the morning when not so tired to practice la francais. 60 km today and it felt it!!!

Monday 21 March 2016

From the 10th March to the 20th March we stayed in Dave and Vicky's gorgeous house in Chervais Cubas in the Perigord region. Here are some images that sum up the time and words:-

Chicken coop, allotment, coffees in Kitshe Kafe, beer, red wine, night in Perigeux, some painting pleine aire, yet another birthday, gorge weather, some not so gorge weather, more beer and wine, good time all round!!!!!

Sunday 20 March 2016

After a pleasant stay in Lussac-les-chateaux we set off for Blond where we had what sounded like a pretty idyllic farm to stay in. La Flambee. Nice cycle, heading towards the 60km Mark, and then we arrived at the farm, which did not disappoint! Lovely all round from the lovely reception from the host, to the rooms and the huge fire next to which we played our first game of travel scramble ( first game to Katharine). A lovely breakfast followed then off to limoges. Slight change of plan due to inclement weather forecast, 70km winds and rain, initially a plan to stay in limoges and get train to Thivers, however a strike forecast for Wednesday 9th saw us jumping on the train to thiviers that afternoon and excitingly being picked up by Dave and Vicky a couple of days early.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Stayed at the house of an artist, in Tours...very nice place..we were able to use the kitchen and cook our dinner. Silvie made us very welcome and made us a cup of tea on arrival. Woke up to snow the next day(Saturday) so decided to catch a train south to find dryness and avoid the busy roads.
Cycled about 40k on Saturday...good to see the French church steeples in the distance...signifying the next coffee stop!
Saturday night was spent in a seedy hotel on an industrial estate near Chatellerau...great to be 'living the dream'.' again!!!
Cycled 50k today in sunny weather, stopping off for coffee along the way...before finally arriving at Lussac-les-chateaux...sunny evening.   Happy Mother'sDay Mum!!!!!x

Friday 4 March 2016

On the road again! After a night in London, eating out with my son, Harry, then an overnight ferry, 20k cycle, 3 hour train journey and a stay at Tours...can't lose the British weather though!!!!