Tuesday 16 July 2013

Day 11to day 12 Do you want to go to the seaside?!! Les Metiers to Notre dame de monts about 35km.

Nice cycle today. Le vendee so flat at times it makes east Anglia look positively alpine, muscles production and salt the local industry. Lunch stop at boulin which obviously has a strong pride in this history, with a lovely feel to it and great pics of the old town and historical events around the church.  At times again reminded us of local to Morecambe around the salt marshes of the Fylde around pilling and as windy!!! Then as we headed to nourmoutier-en-isle we suddenly realised that we had to actually cycle across the causeway, only accessible at low tide, which it luckily was. About three km long and descended upon by cockles of all shapes, ages and genders. Quite surreal cycle. Onto the isle and, I think, a coffee was served to us by a relative of the guy in Lourreux Beconnais as a similar customer manner was used. Then off the island to some lovely cycling through man made woodland along the coast to Notre dame. Found all lovely municipal campsite for 14 euro, much better in every way to last one and with a gorge beach to be savioured the decision to stay 2 nights, a little rest was in order :-) with a bottle of 2 euro wine on the beach with just an army of flies for company we watched the sunset

Second day on the beach for me and three paintings for Dave. And a little retail therapy for the desperately needed new bikini for me and short speedos for dave to enable swimming in swimming pools with some flip flops to complete his summer look.

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