Thursday 25 July 2013

Day 21Lets go surfing now, everybody's surfing now!!!!!!!
Les Mathes to Soulac sur mer on the Gironde 30km

After a late night due to some unexplainably loud conversations till 2am, initially by a family in a caravan and then as that seemed the norm by a group of teenagers, in the end I had to say something, well kind of shush in as French a way as possible, seemed to work. Then off on the lovely cycle route to Royan to catch the ferry to La Gironde. On the way had the first cofee in a bowl that we learnt about at school, but won't have one again!!! 6 euros! We have paid less for a pitch.

8km cycle to Soulac and yes the surf does not disappoint!! Couple of hours on the beach and in the waves with a couple of paintings done by Dave. Nice campsite 21 euro but worth it for its apparent tranquility (mind you last nights was promising to be that too we shall see)

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