Thursday 18 July 2013

Day 15 10.00 am It's a girl!!!! Molly Beatrix well done miss hayley and lots of love to Simon, Bev, Jed and and the Farrell and French clan and big kisses to Molly beatrix too from France xxx

just managed to watch the video on utube, tres drole. Jo where did that accent come from, girls work on her they might think she is a local!!!! rach how did you not realise we had left, oh I suppose its because you wernt at one of my hundreds of leaving/50th/retirement does!!!! you all look great and so glad that worked, am sure mal was well chuffed. All going well here, hope you get chance to check blog davidjfrench blogspot take care mes amis (ps Jo dont take any notice of me with the accent, I have already started to affect a french shrug a la Joey Barton!!! and I have only been here 15 days hee hee) xxxxxxxxx

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