Saturday 23 April 2016

April 19th propriano

A beautiful cycle today. Blue skies from the off. A couple of steep, but luckily not too long climbs, along the coast road. Luckily this road takes you away from the more tortuous inland route. Beautiful views. The coast road then gave way to fabulous rolling countryside, reminiscent on a really sunny day in the north of England, of a ride through the trough of bowland. Eventually it flattened out completely to give us 5km of true flat cycling, the only bit for the past 8 days except along a couple of promenades. Arrived in propriano as hoped and booked into nice campsite. Propriano a nice small port with various beaches, all good for day of rest tomorrow.

April 20th Beach in propriano

After succesful shop for new gear cables and purchase of tickets for ferry for next day we went off to beach for the first real beach day. The photographic evidence of this caused much mirth on Facebook, learnt a lesson about posting in bright sunshine. Anyway very pleased to have made people laugh on a bit of a sad day for comedy, with the death of Victoria Wood and earlier in the week, Ronnie Corbett, so feel we have done a good service. It did make us cry with laughter when we saw it properly later. The 10th stage of Tour de France (scrabble) occurred, but unfortunately still no coverage available. (OK, maybe that's a fib.......ultimate score 6:4 to the team French!!! Team KP needs a regroup before the Giro) And so to bed for early start to go to Italy! Bit nervous about no knowledge of local language, will need to rely on Dave now, with his perfect pronunciation of Grazie and prego. 😃

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