Sunday, 3 April 2016

Cote d'azure

March 31st Salon de Provence to Aix de Provence

After our last night in a hotel, until we stay in Nice we headed off to find some fuel for at least one of the stoves. Windy day, storm a brewing weather, the French equivalent of the Red Arrows over our heads and horrid main roads gave a surreal feel to a trip to Eclerk. My idea, (Kath) and was sooooo relieved when we found some calor gas, though no meths. Decision to go back to where we started, something we don't do often, but the road was that bad, and off we went. For 45 km into a headwind of I would say 40 miles an hour at times. Buffeting around us, with a slight incline too! Appreciated the 25 to 30 kg of ballost our paniers give to keep us steady. 

Lovely landscape again but not appreciated quite as much. Stopped for lunch quite close to Aix and managed to find a little sheltered courtyard. Though still at times like sitting in a vortex of a cyclone. Cycled into Aix, not terribly nice as a big city. Directions to campsite obtained and managed to get tent up in sheltered place. Very quiet places these campsites out of season. Luckily had room for us to play scrabble 2-0 (Kath) and book swap. Early night under canvas.1st April Aix to St Maximin-la-Ste-Baume

Rain today!!! Big hills to stay off A roads. Still big A roads had to be encountered but luckily after rain had stopped. Route de Cezanne out of Aix, potentially gorgeous, couldn't appreciate it today though. Lovely cafe owner along the way served us a coffee though she had closed and wiped down outside seats so we could have our sandwiches and lovely Office de Tourism lady made up for a wet day. Campsite found, only campers, they think we are bonkers I think. In little room as I type, cleaned out specially (slightly cell like in truth) playing scrabble again, will it be a hat-trick? YES!!!!!
April 2nd St maximin to pierrefeu

After a night listening to the loudest frogs ever, even for this country, competing with cicadas and a peep peep sound from creature unknown, with the odd gun shot we awoke sort of refreshed. We then headed off on the nicest cycle journey of the trip. Rolling countryside and lovely valleys interspersed with little villages and at the end when the map appeared to show an uphill treck, it was ten km of descent into Cures. There we found the tourist office closed! However, in a local cafe the staff were amazing, and the clientele too. With the use of waitresses Google on phone, located a campsite, she rang it then handed phone to me. As I talked to the chap saying how long we would be, the bar was laughing, I thought at my French but it turns out is my estimate of an hour and 30mins arrival time, it was as they said 25mins with a favourable wind. Booked into what appeared to be a quiet site. Popped back to pierrefou for an early beer then back for pasta tea. Early night, initially peaceful, then about 11pm a disco started in one of the caravans, till 3am. The same song it appeared, over and over again. 
April 3rd Pierrefeu to Lavendou

Surprisingly not too tired today, despite the nights events. Coffee in Pierrefeu then off down a flat valley then right towards Londe. Again what potentially could have been a climb ended up a bit of a one then a good descent down. Loads of club cyclists out today, all ages though mainly men. Very cheerful and encouraging as ever. Lovely quiet roads and as Dave had predicted, dedicated cycle tracks once on the coast. Marche in Londe, spotted bikinis, and though cloudy and a bit chilly I bought one, untried on, which is very surprising for me! Luckily later saw that it does fit, just need some French Riviera weather please. On to Lavendou and first sight of Côte D'Azur, and despite grey skies it still is nice and turqouise. Found lovely site, usually for campers and caravans but as low season has spot for us. Super friendly patron as in the resort they too seemed. Very pleasant indeed and I know once the sun appears this part of the coast will be stunning as we expected. Great Salle de television so ubiquitous game of scrabble, Dave pulled one back 3-1. And so to bed. Let's see what noises are round tonight?

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