Thursday 7 April 2016

4th April Le Lavendou to Grimaud

Bit of a dull day today weather wise but good cycling. We had been quite concerned about the roads from this point along the coast but they are pretty much all cycle paths,dedicated. Another massive bonus of the day was eventually getting fuel for the trangia, now we know what to look for. Fuel for fondue in this country, (alcool a buyer) need to check for Italy what it's called there. Only bad part of the road system wasas we approached Grimaud,cycle track disappeared,started to rain so pronto found little campsite. Again pretty much the only campers. Lovely jolly chap again. Was distraught at us cooking in drizzle ( doesn't realise that's the norm in UK). Kept gesticulating we should move up to balcony. We did to eat. Dave loving his new toy, the ccoker. Really very impressive and fuel megacheap.

Took a walk up to Grimaud itself, lovely atmospheric little town, obviously a rugby mad bar,with a photo of Jonny Wilkinson with le patron, hence picture of me under said photo.

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