Monday 2 September 2013

August 28th and 29th

Wednesday cycled to Rousillon, known for the ochre colour of the rock. Very pretty little village. Dave painted while I read and wrote cards for home. Lovely cycling around. In the evening managed to get a very sceptical person to play scrabble, beaten!!!!! Brother John refereed from a distance!!!!

Thursday into Apt to suss out market. Obviously a bit naive of us to think we could just turn up, explained to us that 3 forms needed and 3 weeks to obtain them. Dave stayed to paint away the disappointment  while I did a shop. Noticed a property in Apt for sale for 98,000 euro, (might need to check that out further) then after little chat with my friend Helen went to supermarket where at the check out ended up chatting to a German cycling journalist called Klaus, with an artist for a wife, living close to St Sat who has interviewed Bradley and Chris Froome. He invited us for a brew at his house tomorrow and gave me the address and number. We shall see.

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