Monday 16 September 2013

September 14th what a day!!!!!

Cold night and morning so internet search for hostel required. Found one, not too expensive and kitchen facilities, so all good. Warm shower to defrost then into town. Due to see Siobhan at sno station at 2pm so had a look round town. Saw accommodation in an estate agents so did a check out and have lined up viewing for Monday.

Then off to see Siobhan. Job sorted!!!!!! Start in December. Dave offered job in chalet but even Siobhan identified that perhaps not for us. Small studio and not really enough time for skiing opportunities. Prob going to have a look at the chalet though to truly make decision. Siobhan also offered us reduced rate property for the interim CFO at least the next month, so couldn't have asked for a better meeting.

Then off round town again checking out further estate agents. Into century 21 who are known for season aire accommodation and before we knew it we were viewing a place, right in the centre of Chamonix sud, opposite cheapest bar in town (not altogether a good thing). All going pretty fast!!!! Place could be ours if we wish.  Pretty good day. Will sleep on it.

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