Thursday, 12 September 2013

Sept 8th Gap to St Fermin 29km but now that's not the point!!!!!!!

OMG what an amazing days cycling!! Big climb out of Gap about 3km and a 200m increase in height, more importantly. About half way up worked out what the writing on the roads was all about, we were on a tour de France route!!! Being a Sunday there was a race in progress too, hence lots of high viz people who I am under no illusions realised we weren't part of the race. managed to get up except for one silly stop when I couldn't then get back going so walked just for 100 metres (damn). This was the Alps proper and it felt great. Another 7km on saw us having a well deserved egg sandwich at St Bonnet and a coffee in the Bar de Tour.

Weather turning on the cycle on to St fermin, but luckily managed to miss any downpours. pitched up on the basic site and due to the rain followed by sudden burst of sun, the flies appeared!! Nothing in really for tea anyway and with further storm clouds approaching decision for a meal out was made, we were worth it!!!

Pizza with  a few beers went down very well. We had a little crawl around the two bars which were frequented by some really an eclectic bunch and then pizza as the heavens opened, lightening struck and thunder roared. Back to a bar for a last one in hope that the rain eased. Offer of a drink from a chap politely declined, it was as if he couldn't see Dave sitting there next to me, a bit odd really. Rain eased a tad so up the hill we went, pitch black (literally) but we made it, not too wet at all.

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