Thursday 12 September 2013

Sept 9th St Fermin to Pierre Chatel, just past La Mure 38km roughly.

Luckily blue sky trying to make itself known as we got up. Definitely feeling a lot cooler now, wearing nearly as many clothes in night as day. The flies in abatement therefore breakfast managed and then off. Another good climb up to Corps for coffee and then on the road for about another 5km when I turned the corner to find Dave in a lay-by  bike upside down, the first puncture of the trip!!!!!! Sun now really out and the scenery is truly amazing. Hard cycling but feels fantastic. Lunch while puncture repair then off towards La Mure which I felt was down in the valley. Its a good job our map doesn't tell us the whole story as we headed down and then back up in a big way again. It said 2km wiggley at the bottom, more like 5km I would say, but again plodding away and with brilliant views to act as a distraction, got there. Nice place, quick shop and with the guidance of a local pharmacist (Office de Tourisme closed) headed onwards in Grenoble direction to campsite, another 8km or so. Offered use of a table by a lovely Swiss couple, so friendly.

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