Saturday 21 September 2013

September 20th

Gorgeous day and so exciting to wake up in apartment, with lovely view of Brevant and the para gliders overhead. 1st breakfast on balcony with nothing but squirrels passing by :) Big shop, then off to bank to sort accounts. Dave then finished the painting from yesterday and we did indeed bump into The Aussie couple, twice. I went for a cycle up some hills (serious hills) but then came to an end. Will have to suss out longer tracks. Popped into library too. We so take it for granted in UK, free banking and libraries, whereas both cost out here. But, you can hire scrabble and dvd's and they have an english book section so will be worth it I feel. Internet too with printing ability and really friendly staff (just like Morecambe library :-) of course!! ) Quiet night in afterwards but in our own place - very happy.

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