Monday 2 September 2013

September 1st and 2nd

Feeling sluggish therefore off for a cycle!!!! Dave had gear malfunction so just off myself. 10km climb later wasn't sure it was best idea! Up onto Vauclouse plateau, took a while to plateau! Gorgeous upon the top though, so worth it. Unfortunately didn't have Dave's phone so no photos, but got good view off Mont Ventoux and the smell of lavender all over, though unfortunately we have got here after harvesting, so missing all the beautiful purples in the landscape. Different road back and really steep drops in place, felt quite vertiginous and pleased Dave wasn't with me to tell me to stay right, too scarey (don't think he would have stayed right either!!!)

More Scrabble in evening but still can't catch him! Current score 4 to Dave 2 to me (not happy :/)

2nd Sept

Cleaning house in readiness for setting off tomorrow then had a look at the town house with estate agent. Not bad little place, bright and cheerful right in centre. no outside space but potential to put terrace on the top. Good to have an idea to compare against. St Sat shut so little cycle to villars, tiny place but busy cafe scene and wifi so aiding present update. Email from company in Chamonix looking positive for work for the winter, love it when a plan comes together :-)

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