Thursday 12 September 2013

September 12th Albertville to St Gervais 32km

Swiss couple from two nights back hailed us in the morning. They had spent two nights there and joked about bumping into us in Chamonix. Set off thinking get to Megeve and if up to it onwards to St gervais, with a night in a hotel. Cycle route to Ugine and then a big long climb out of it through a deep valley. About 10km in total climb. Coffee in Flu met and something to eat, getting cold, cloudy and a bit rainy today and into the skiing zone. Another 9km to megeve and feeling good so onwards to St gervais which is as lovely as we remembered. Sussed out a cheap give and after an hours wait managed to contact proprietor and booked in. Like q youth hostel really, use of kitchen etc, the proprietor had an unusual manner, and kept checking that things worked as he showed us round, but it is a bargain at 15 euro each, so all in happy. Out for some beers then back later for pasta supper.

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